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LOW VISION CARE is about “doing.”

The goal of a low vision assessment is to give you the ability to do those activities you want to do. We have helped people with many activities including:


Doctors and Low Vision Practitioners in Calgary Low Vision Clinic are experts in low vision devices and hands-free magnification. The types of low vision reading devices we prescribe depend upon a number of factors including:

  1. the type of reading you are interested in ( ex. short time or long period of time)
  2. the size of the letters
  3. the distance of the material from your eyes
  4. the lighting requirements of your eyes

During your low vision assessment, the doctor will analyze your reading requirements and demonstrate various types of low vision devices. Some of these may include hand-hold magnifiers, stand magnifiers, telescopic/microscopic/prismatic low vision glasses, or new Digital magnifiers/CCTVs. You will determine which is best for your needs.


Writing has different vision requirements than reading. Writing requires a longer working distance from the eyes and usually less magnification than reading. In addition, illuminating the paper is sometimes more difficult.
The experts at Calgary Low Vision Clinic will work with you to determine the best low vision devices for your requirements.

Watching TV

If sitting closer to the television allows you to see it better, then you will appreciate the benefits of having specially made telescopic TV glasses. You will be able to sit at a normal distance from the television while enjoying a larger, more detailed image.

Seeing faces / Enjoying the Grandchildren’s Activities / Theater / Movies

To improve your distance vision so that you see facial details better, identify your grandchildren at their soccer games, or enjoy live theater, we incorporate your eyeglass Rx into one of our many types of Bioptic or Full Diameter Telescopic Low Vision glasses.
Calgary Low Vision Clinic has many experience in hands free magnification and will demonstrate many types of low vision glasses or telescope to you. During your low vision examination you will see for yourself the benefits of these devices.

Hand Crafts / Kitchen Duties

Calgary Low Vision Clinic is experts at determining the right low vision devices for your needs. Each activity has different vision, lighting and distance requirements. The doctor will listen to those requirements and determine the best low vision devices for your level of vision. Varies low vision devices will be demonstrated during the low vision assessment so you can see the difference for yourself.

Computer Work

Calgary Low Vision Clinic is experts at helping you work on the computer. Whether it is emails you want to read and return or websites you want to visit, the doctor will determine which low vision devices work best. Different Low vision devices will be demonstrated during the low vision assessment so you can see the difference for yourself.

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